"In the Dartmoor MAT, we ensure that our disadvantaged pupils receive our support to maximise their potential. I am determined that social disadvantage will not determine academic achievement. I am committed to a strategy which is underpinned by evidence and research on what is most likely to work for our more socially deprived children. Below is information to help you understand our approach to achieving this aim." Phil Whittley, Executive Principal
The pupil premium grant is an allocation of funding provided to schools to support children who may be vulnerable to underachievement. The amount received is dependent on the number of children:
- who have been in receipt of free school meals (FSM) at any point in the past 6 years (£1320 per primary aged child)
- who have been continuously looked after for the past six months (£1900 per child)
- who are adopted from care under the Adoption and Children Act 2002 1 or who have left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order (£1,900)
- for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces, or whose parent /guardian is in receipt of a pension from the MoD (£300 per child)
Why is there a Pupil Premium?
Students who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in their school career have consistently lower educational attainment than those who have never been eligible. In 2009-10 GCSE statistics showed that around a third of students who have been on Free School Meals in the previous six years achieved five or more A*- C grades, compared to more than two thirds of their fellow students.
How many pupils at the primary schools in the DMAT are eligible for the Pupil Premium? Currently 14% of students are eligible for the Pupil Premium, (44 out of 320 pupils and these figures are reported to Governors each term).
How many pupils at the primary schools in the DMAT are eligible for the Pupil Premium? Currently 14% of students are eligible for the Pupil Premium, (44 out of 320 pupils and these figures are reported to Governors each term).
Who can apply for the grant?
Parents who think they might be entitled to apply for the grant can do so via the Devon County Council Citizens' Portal. It is vital that the application form is completed to allow additional funding to be released to the school.
How will the impact of the spending of the Pupil Premium be measured?
To monitor progress on attainment, new measures will be included in the performance tables that will capture the achievement of students covered by the Pupil Premium. In the DMAT, the usual cycle of half-termly data collection and the monitoring and tracking of the cohort’s attainment, will be used to inform children's progress and enable the early identification of need, support and appropriate intervention. The Senior Leadership Team, Pupil Premium Champion and Governors are accountable for the impact on the pupils of the spending of the Pupil Premium; all staff are responsible for ensuring that an inclusive, proactive, reflective and holistic approach are consistently used to support and maximise the opportunities for all pupils.
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